书名:这个男神有点冷 作者:弈安 【文案】 戴浠承诺不再出现在冯子彧面前,可没答应不再喜欢他。 股票分析课,戴浠像往常一样提前来到教师等待冯子彧从门前经过。 不过,这次冯子彧并没有从门前经过,而是直接停在了门口。吓得戴浠赶紧打开书挡在面前。 “可以出来一下吗?” 外表清纯、内心“流氓”的女主倒追男神的暖心小故事。 二月开新的校园小白文,喜欢的小可爱不妨先预收哦 青青子衿 内容标签: 情有独钟 搜索关键字:主角:戴浠,冯子彧 ┃ 配角:关月,楚儊,赵依然,钟灵,安哲 ┃ 其它:甜文 ☆、石头 “do you ever s and wonder why it’s dan hard to fdg r right did no one tell you that old sayg: ‘you only need to fd love once’ iage y reaction when you walked the roo once i found you, was never gonna let you go i didn’t hesitate, i uldn’t wait all the other guys jt evaporated once i found you, i uldn’t help but let it show it t be love, cae y heart thups and i’ gd that i waited for once for once jt one look at you and i swear i knew for sure i knew for sure …...